Welcome to Permaculture Sydney City and Eastern Suburbs

This is the place for our members, supporters and interested onlookers in the cities/municipalities of Sydney, Woollahra, Waverley, Randwick and Botany (and others if it suits you!)


Members of the Permaculture City & Eastern Suburbs Group at a garden construction working bee at Barrett House

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Is a word derived from the words 'permanent' and 'agriculture' to describe a system of design applied to agricultural and human systems to mimic natural ecosystems where everything in the system is an input or output for other parts and nothing is lost outside the system. In other words, permanent, self-sustaining systems - like our old-growth rainforests were before being devastated by logging, and clearing for agriculture or mining.

Permaculture focuses not only on organic growing of our food but also on how we live in our environment. It could be described as the only all-embracing design system for sustainable living. It might just be the thing that helps us break the cycle of unsustainable living that has deforested much of our planet, degraded soils, polluted the rivers and air, led to the extinction of many species of fauna and flora important to their ecosystems and visited large scale health problems on the human population.

Permaculture Sydney City and Eastern Suburbs

We are a sub-group of Permaculture Sydney South Incorporated and part of a wider collection of Permaculture groups across the Sydney metropolitan area. Anyone is welcome to join our local group and encouraged to become full members of Permaculture Sydney South to enjoy the benefits of belonging to the Sydney wide Permaculture family.

Permaculture Sydney City and Eastern Suburbs is open to all who want to learn the ethical and practical design principles for sustainable living in our urban environment. The aim is to provide learning opportunities through talks and discussions, demonstrations, hands on practice and visits to Permaculture homes and gardens, among other things. We also aim to provide ongoing support and encouragement for everyone's efforts to make their homes, workplaces and communities more self sufficient and to create productive and healthy food gardens in less than ideal situations such as small yards, balconies, patios, poor soils, shady areas and so on.

Visit the Events page regularly for notices of upcoming events and activities as they develop.

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Contact Us

Send us an email at permaeast@gmail.com

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